Dear Colleague, 

You are invited to the 48th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Midwest Pain Society (MPS). As you may know, MPS is the largest regional pain society in the Midwest. MPS has been in existence since 1979, we represent 13 states in the Midwest, and we have one scientific meeting per year in addition to virtual townhalls, podcasts and a newsletter. This year, the MPS meeting will be held at Northwestern Prentice Women’s Hospital in Chicago, IL on December 6 and 7. We expect between 100-150 attendees from the following disciplines: neurosurgery, anesthesiology, neurology, primary care, physiatry, physical therapy, nursing, pain psychology, pharmacology, along with fellows, residents and students.

If you are interested in being an exhibitor, sponsor, or partner for this meeting, we are accepting applications at this time. 

There will be an area designated for sponsors for booths and advertisement on Friday December 6.  We will have a number of breaks throughout the event to encourage our attendees to learn about our sponsors!

All levels will also get an online presence as listed below.


Exhibitor: (Information will stay on MPS website for 30 days.) 



Sponsor: (Information will stay on MPS website until the 2024 meeting, approximately 1 year) 



Partner: (Information will stay on MPS website until the 2024 meeting, approximately 1 year; advertisement placement in the summer and winter editions of the MPS newsletter) 



Platinum: Partner + Symposium/non-CME lecture on Saturday October 20 as the closing talk of the conference. 



(The platinum sponsor also has the opportunity of hosting the Board/Scientific Planning Committee dinner on the Friday prior to the conference.) 

Bank card payments are accepted online, or you can mail a check. Please contact me at if you would like to use a check. 

For bank card payments go to select Events then Meeting Sponsorship.

Funds are used to support the meeting by contributing to offset expenses such as space and food cost, audiovisual expenses, scholarships, and grants. Sponsorship helps promote educational advancement and clinical excellence for healthcare providers and trainees. 

Please consider participating in our program this year. The Tax ID number of MPS is 39-1680238. If you have further questions, please contact me at 248-935-2951 or Also, if you feel your company would be interested in supporting MPS for its two competitive research grants it will award in 2024, please let us know. 

Thank you again for your support. 

Elie Mulhem, MD
President, Midwest Pain Society

Alyson Engle, MD and Michael Coppes, MD
SPC Co-chairs, Midwest Pain Society 2023 Scientific Meeting

If you have a current account, please login prior to proceeding

Please Select A Sponsorship Opportunity

 Annual Scientific Conference Sponsorship/Exhibitor

Exhibitor: (Information will stay on MPS website for 30 days.)

Sponsor: (Information will stay on MPS website until the 2024 meeting, approximately 1 year)

Partner:  (Information will stay on MPS website until the 2024 meeting, approximately 1 year; advertisement placement in the summer and winter editions of the MPS newsletter)

Platinum:  Partner + Symposium/non-CME lecture on Friday October 20 during the lunch hour.  

(The platinum sponsor also has the opportunity of hosting the Board/Scientific Planning Committee dinner on the Friday prior to the conference.)

Bank card payments are accepted online or you can mail a check.  Please contact me at if you would like to use a check.



Sponsorship and Exhibitor Information: (Please start to gather the files or links to the items you wish to use.)

            Company Name: 

            Contact Name:

            Contact Title: 

            Contact Phone:

            Contact Email:

            Company Logo:

            Message to Attendees:

            Hyperlink 1:

            Hyperlink 2: